California has enacted the Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) and California Privacy Rights Act (“CPRA”), a law intended to protect the privacy rights of consumers in California. As an individual residing in California, you qualify as a “consumer” within the meaning of the CCPA/CPRA and are, therefore, entitled to certain protections under the Act with respect to certain personal information iLoveToCreate (“the Company”) collects from you.
This Notice is designed to inform you, the consumer, as to the categories of personal information the Company collects about you, the purposes for which the Company collects such information, and whether the information is sold to and/or shared with any third parties, service providers, or contractors.
If you have any questions about this Notice, please contact the iLoveToCreate H. R. Department via telephone at (559) 294-3261 or via email at If you are disabled and unable to adequately access this notice, please contact the iLoveToCreate H R. Department such that the Company can provide you with an accessible version of this notice. Additionally, for information regarding the Company’s privacy policy, which describes the Company’s policies regarding the collection and use of consumers’ personal information and consumers’ rights with respect to that information, please contact the iLoveToCreate H. R. Department.






Identifiers, including but not limited to:
  • Legal names and aliases;
  • Signatures;
  • Addresses;
  • Telephone Numbers;
  • Email Addresses;
  • Social Security Numbers;
  • Driver’s License Numbers
  • State ID Card Numbers
  • Passport Number (or other acceptable documents for purposes of completing I-9 Employment Eligibility Form)
We collect this information directly from you when you:
  • Complete various company documents, including but not limited to: Job Application(s), Drug Test Authorization Form(s).
  • Submit your resume to the Company when seeking employment.

We may also collect this information from:
  • Our background check Service Providers when you ask us to verify your identity, screen your background, and check your criminal and eviction histories.
We use this information to:
  • Conduct background checks and to confirm identity of job applicants;
  • Confirm acknowledgment of particular policies or procedures;
  • Verify the identity of an employee or related person;
  • Verify employment eligibility;
  • Verify class and status of licenses;
  • Contact applicants to the extent necessary.
We share identifiers with the following categories of persons in the following circumstances:
  • Our background check Service Providers.
We do not sell this information.
Background Information, including but not limited to:
  • Employment and Educational History.
We collect some of this information directly from you when you:
  • Complete various company documents, including but not limited to: the Job Application.
  • Submit your resume and references when seeking employment with the Company.We may also collect this information from:
  • Prior employers.
We use this information to:
  • Assess an applicant’s eligibility to work in various positions;
  • Assess an applicant’s qualifications for various positions.
We share this information with the following categories of persons in the following circumstances:
  • Our background check Service Provider.
We do not sell this information.
ProtectedClassifications, including but not limited to:
  • Age;
  • Gender;
  • Race.
We collect this information directly from you when you:
  • Complete various company documents, including but not limited to: the Job Application.
We use this information to:
  • Comply with state and federal law;
  • Comply with governmental regulations, including affirmative action responsibilities;
  • Report demographics as required by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
We share this information with the following categories of persons in the following circumstances:
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

We do not sell this information
Identifiers, including but not limited to:
  • Legal names and aliases;
  • Signatures;
  • Addresses;
  • Telephone Numbers;
  • Email Addresses;
  • Social Security Numbers;
  • Driver’s License Numbers
  • State ID Card Number;
  • Federal ID Card Number;
  • Passport Number (or other acceptable documents for purposes of completing I-9 Employment Eligibility Form)
  • Insurance Policy Numbers
We collect some of this information directly from you when you:
  • Complete various company documents, including but not limited to: your personal resume; the Job Application; Background Authorization Form; I-9 Form; Personnel Information Form; Confidentiality and Non- Disclosure Agreement; Arbitration Agreement; W-4, DE-4; Direct Deposit Form; Personal Information Form,; Employee Loan Request; 7th Day Waiver; Meal Waiver; Time Off Request Forms; Timecard Correction Form; Check Reissue Form; Earned Income Tax Credit Form; Federal Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program Form; CA DWC-1 Claim Form’ Employer 5020 Notice; OSHA 300 Form; DMV
    Form 1101 Pull Notice Program Form’ Personal Physician Designation Form; 401K Designation of Beneficiary Form; FSA Enrollment Form; 1095-C Form; Onboarding Checklist Form; Payroll Check Signature List Form; Wage Employment Notice Form; Internal Accident Report Form; Safety Training and Meeting Attendance Forms; Leave of Absence / HIPPA Documentation Forms.
We may also collect this information from:
  • Company insurance carriers
  • Drug Test Instructions
  • Wage Employment Notice
  • DOT Medical Certificates
  • DOT Driver File
  • Incident Reports
  • MPN Notification
  • DOT Clearinghouse
We use this information to:
  • Process payroll;
  • Withhold and pay appropriate taxes;
  • Administer benefits, such as insurance and 401(k) distributions;
  • Acknowledge the receipt of employment-related information or payroll checks;
  • Verify the authenticity of documentation;
  • Communicate in writing with
  • employees or related persons;
  • Communicate verbally with employees or related persons;
  • Communicate in writing via electronic means with employees or related persons;
  • Undertake activities necessary for federal and state taxes related to wages earned by employees;
  • Verify the identity of an employee or related person;
  • Verify employment eligibility;
  • Verify class and status of license;
  • Enroll employees or related persons in Company- administered benefits beyond open enrollment periods;
  • Assist in the administration of pending insurance claims;
  • Contact employees to the extent necessary;
  • Complete various employment related documents, such as filing Workers’ Compensation claims.
We share identifiers with the following categories of persons in the following circumstances:
  • Background check Service Providers, such as Universal Background Screening
  • Human Resources and Payroll service providers, such as PAYROLL /TIMEKEEPI NG TECHNOLO GY PROVIDERS
  • Insurers
  • OSHA
  • DOT
  • Clearinghouse
  • Occupational ClinicsWe do not sell this information.

Background Information, including but not limited to:
  • Employment and Educational History;
  • Medical Information and History
We collect some of this information directly from you when you:
  • Submit your resume to the Company when seeking employment;
  • Complete various company documents, including but not limited to: the Job Application.
    We may also collect this information from:
  • Prior Employers
  • Medical Testing Labs
We use this information to:
  • Assess an employee’s eligibility to work in various positions and to assess an employee’s qualifications for a job position;
  • Facilitate reimbursement of employees’ educational expenses;
  • Start leave of absence process if employee is going to be out from work for more than 5 days.
We share this information with the following categories of persons in the following circumstances:
  • Insurance carriers as required by law
  • Background check Service Providers
  • Department of Transportation drug and alcohol testing programsWe do not sell this information

ProtectedClassifications, including but not limited to:
  • Age;
  • Gender;
  • Race
We collect this information directly from you when you:
  • Are signed up for Company sponsored insurance plans
  • Complete various company documents, including but not limited to: the Job Application; the Employer 5020 FormWe may also collect this information from:
  • Service Providers
We use this information to:
  • Comply with state and federal law;
  • Reporting demographics as required by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission;
  • Complete insurance/pension enrollment documentation as required by carriers/plan document
  • Complete Workers’ Compensation claims.
We share this information with the following categories of persons in the following circumstances:
  • Insurance carriers
  • Retirement plan administrator
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

We do not sell this information.
Financial Information, including but not limited to:
  • Bank Account Numbers
We collect some of this information directly from you when you:
  • Complete various company documents, including but not limited to: the Direct Deposit Form.
We use this information to:
  • Process payroll;
  • Administer direct deposit payments;
  • Comply with payroll tax withholding legal obligations.
We use this information to:
  • Geofence employees’ ability to use timeclock systems.
We share this information with the following categories of persons in the following circumstances:
  • The financial institution where payroll is deposited or a direct deposit is made by the Company
We do not sell this information
Geolocation Data, including but not limited to:
  • Precise or approximate location as determined through data such as your IP address or mobile device’s GPS determined through data such as your IP address or mobile device’s GPS
We collect some of this information directly from you when you:
  • Engage the technology while operating company vehicles or using Company owned IT devices;
  • Utilize Company timekeeping systems, where required by the timekeeping system.
    We may also collect this information from:
  • Company owned vehicle manufacturer’s tracking technology
  • PAYROLL / TIMEKEEPING TECHNOLOGY PROVIDERS or using Company owned IT devices;
  • Utilize Company timekeeping systems, where required by the timekeeping system.

We may also collect this information from:
  • Company owned vehicle manufacturer’s tracking technology
We use this information to:
  • Geofence employees’ ability to use timeclock systems.
We share this information with the following categories of persons in the following circumstances:

We do not sell this information

Commercial Information, including but not limited to:
  • Records of Products or Services obtained by employee, owners, officers or directors for Company travel or other purposes
We collect some of this information directly from you when you:
  • Submit expense statements or request funds to facilitate travel or other operations
    We may also collect this information from:
  • Educational Assistance Program
We use this information to:
  • Reimburse employees, owners, officers or directors for business-related expenses.
We share this information with the following categories of persons in the following circumstances:
  • Credit card providers when disputing a charge or monitoring fraud activity

We do not sell this information
Biometric information, including but not limited to:
  • Fingerprints;
  • Audio and/or Visual Records, Including Photographs
We collect some of this information directly from you when you:
  • Use certain Company time clock devices;
  • Access certain company facilities;
  • Sign documents on behalf of the Company requiring a notary acknowledgement.We may also collect this information from:
  • Our alarm/security provider
We use this information to:
  • Facilitate the use of the Company’s timekeeping systems;
  • Monitor safety on Company owned or operated premises.
We share this information with the following categories of persons in the following circumstances:
We do not sell this information
Internet or other electronic network activity information, including but not limited to:
  • Internet Activity
  • Web Tracking Information
We collect some of this information directly from you when you:
  • Use company IT systems and equipment
We may also collect this information from:
  • IT service providers
We use this information to:
  • Monitor activity on Company-owned devices, if necessary;
  • Administer data-flow over data lines;
  • Conduct workplace investigations and/or disciplinary actions
  • Monitor and test data security systems and firewalls
We share this information with the following categories of persons in the following circumstances:

  • IT service providers to monitor system security, capacities and efficiencies

We do not sell this information.
Identifiers, including but not limited to:
  • Legal names and aliases;
  • Telephone Numbers
  • Addresses
  • Email Addresses
We collect this information directly from employees, vendors, and others when they designate you as their emergency contact:
We may also collect this information from :
  • Known associates of the above in the event of an emergency
We use this information to:
  • Contact the designated party in the event of an emergency
We share this information with the following categories of persons in the following circumstances:
  • Law enforcement or medical personnel in the event of an emergency
We do not sell this information
Identifiers, including but not limited to:
  • Legal names and aliases;
  • Telephone Numbers;
  • Addresses;
  • Email Addresses
We collect this information directly from our employees when they:
  • Sign up for Company administered Insurance, pension and other benefit plans
  • Make changes to their beneficiary information
We use this information to:
  • Make payments to an employee’s beneficiary as related to insurance or 401(k) pension and profit- sharing payments as required
We share this information with the following categories of persons in the following circumstances:
  • Insurance companies
  • Pension administration provider
We do not sell this information

SMS Opt-In

We take your privacy seriously and want to assure you that when you opt-in to receive SMS messages from us, your phone number is safe. SMS opt-in or phone numbers for the purpose of SMS are not being shared with any third parties. Your information is used solely for the purpose of sending you the communications you have opted in to receive.